Nov 09, 2004 22:33
WOW, that was an extremely looooong OT class, wouldn't you agree Scott??? All in all today was a good day. After dropping my mom off at work, I drove Paulie to school, then made my way to work where there was absolutely NO ONE there! For any of you whom I haven't told yet, I got a job at Jacob! yay! So anyway, that's how Teusday mornings are, unfortunately. I organized about half of the store, unlocked a few fitting rooms and cleaned up after a few people. I'm realizing what an opporunity it's going to be to talk to the girls there about God. We had an interesting conversation today, the two girls were talking to me about ghosts. One of them actually has one in her house, apparently, it was really creepy what she was all saying. But then they told how they believed in guardian angels and both shared about times their lives had been spared. This is a good thing! We'll see what happens. well, I'm sure theres more to say, but I must head off to bed soon. Au Revoir mes amis! et Bonne Nuit! Gute Nacht!