Oct 05, 2004 22:36
So OT was intense today. It was intense trying to stay awake, and then intense when I accidently bought vanilla coke, and intense because I actually resorted to buying coke! whoah.....crazy. Actually the intense part was when our professor started to tell us that there are actually two accounts of creation, which I didn't even realize while reading Genesis. and AHHH! so much. So pretty much all I wanna do is have some fun, I've got the feeling I'm not the only one, all I wanna do is have some fun, until the sun comes down on the Santa Monica Bullevard! la la la
gotta love that song, or how about..
girls just wanna have fu-un, ohhhhh girls just wanna have fun!
My favorite is "Sprott Shaw Community College since 1903" - (That's for you scotty! haha)
I watched the beginning of the Prince of Egypt today because I wanted to hear one of the songs. That was after I had forced myself to sit down and work on my English outline for tomorros inclass essay (ewwwwww) . After working on it a bit more, I got too restless and watched Americas Top Model. Yoanna won by the way. What other random thoughts do I have for you? I guess you wouldn't know eh? One time , at Katies "surprise" birthday party, Heidi and I convinced some of the girls there that we were conjoined at birth. We told that to a few guys once, I think Connor almost believed us...haha! We have proof though, ask us about it sometime!
uhhh okay.
Peace out..homies.