Why ya gotta be like dat?

Aug 09, 2004 11:09

Looks like someones going to have to teach me how to play the John Mayer songs! I was so looking forward to playing daughters, but I don't have a capo, I'm guessing scotty has one, so next time perfection meets, you'll be teachign me! My family has forgiven you! And you most defenitely need to make it up to Paulie (that's right connor, PAULIE) hehe. I had a crazy dream last night. We were all back on the boat cruise, but the boat started sinking, and we didn't notice until the middle deck was completely submerged, then we all started swimming out of the boat, it was really terrifying! Thankfully though everyone that mattered to me was okay. :S UGH I don't want to think about that anymore. Scott was writing about how he doesn't believe in coincidence anymore. I'm starting to think the same way he does. Yesterday I was talking to my dad and he was telling me how I need to be content with what I have, and that I need to concentrate more on the relationships that matter, like the ones with my family. Seemingly coincidently (but not!) I decided to once again pick up "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" which had been collecting dust somewhere in my room. I wondered what nuggets of truth it had to offer me for the day. (gotta love the word nuggets). Oddly enough it said pretty much the same thing that my dad had been talking to me about, focusing on the relationships that matter the most and being used by God in your singleness. Hmmm...I know theres more that I don't remember. I'll find it for you guys some day. Looking forward to Russia, to getting away from all the petty problems that pester me here and finding more time to focus on God. Yesterday it made me so happy when my brother cut his toe and I got to put polysporin and a bandaid on him. I love taking care of little kids, and everyone seems to think that I'll be a nurse one day. It's all up to you God! Do what you need to do! =)
God bless everyone,
p.s. some random thoughts

1) I knew two people with the names "Gaylord" and "Leef"
2) German opera singers sound really cool
3) Somethings missing, maybe it's the song "Somethings Missing" on the John Mayer CD that Perfection made me.....
4) I was sorting out some video tapes and found some from grad. *sniffles* *tears* more sniffles
haha jk
that's it, tune in next time
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