Jan 29, 2008 15:11
OK so I have been pretty interesting in this years presidential primaries and I'm still undecided who to vote for or even what party. I always feel like there is no candidate out there who really represents what I believe.
so traditionally
Democrats = socially liberal
Democrats = fiscally liberal
Republicans = Socially conservative
Republicans = Fiscally conservative (at least they used to be or claimed to be)
So what about the people like me who are socially liberal and fiscally conservative? I can't be the only one. It seems like that would be a huge block of the population if not most people?
Why doesn't anyone toot this horn? I'd vote for them.
Seems like post college progressive young adults especially would be for this. People who want the government our of peoples lives (gay marriage,abortion,drugs etc..) and people who want the government out of our paychecks. I know I hate watching 1/3 of mine go down the tubes.
I guess that makes me a libertarian which means I can throw my vote away on their candidate or vote for Ron Paul I suppose, But even some of his positions are extreme. And I think thats what turns people off about libertarians(other than it seeming scary for not being the same old safe republican or democratic parties), executing every faucet of libertarian philosophy is extreme, impractical and probably wouldn't work in our society.
But it still seems like there is a huge vacuum that could be filled by a more moderate libertarian candidate who represents me and all the other people out there who don't want Government telling us how to live our lives or taxing us to death to fund out dated institutions and out of control government budgets.
Why doesn't someone on either side step up and fill this void?
Maybe I'm really oversimplifying it. Where is the candidate who speaks for me? I don't see them in this election.
P.S. Anyone else fall in this category? or is it just me?