Hello I'm back on business :D (well sort of..)
considering these icons are really old (the majority of them is from april and just a few of the Lots ones are the most recent!)
I suppose I should start making smaller batches :P
Doctor Who
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Saving some and will credit if use!
glad you like them!
Uploading the sweet Jackson/Lydia icon! I've watch yesterday the s2 finale. OMG! FEEEELS! Not my OTP, but awwwwww..... shippy feels! ♥
Yeah, she's my fav chara too! QUEEN LYDIA FTW! ♥
I'm really new in the fandom, I've only watch the first two seasons. But I really like the show. :)
but i watched both seasons in less than 4 days XD
i'm so behind shows actually and i can't wait to watch season 3, because it seems really interesting :D
Ohhhh! 4 Days, that's fast too! :D
I've watch the epis on german telly (freetv) and both seasons in less than 2 months, but it was awesome XD .
AWWWWWWWWWWW! I've seen a lot of gifs on tumblr and icons and stuff :D . I really need s3! o_O
*my otp is peter/lydia, I hope for some feels* *lol* OKAY, I KNOW, this is not canon *sigh* XD .
i am actually a derek/lydia shipper too but ehi this is the show where you can ship anyone with ANYONE so no complains lol
I don't need anyone with anyone, I only need Pydia in my life. Or.... Derek/Lydia, yay, why not! :D
but i really think Lydia is one of those characters you can ship basically with everyone.
i saw some gifsets on tumblr but i tried to avoid spoilers as much as i could :p
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