New acquisition

Apr 15, 2010 21:02

Hi folks!
Let me introduce myself: I'm Giulia (but you can call me juls :D) and I'm the new maker here at lakecastle.
I'm so glad that Nicole asked me to take care of this community, and maybe here I will improve my style a little bit more, cause I have a loot to learn about graphics and I always thought that this place was something like the Olympus LOL.
Btw, if you want to see my previous stuffs you can check my personal journal: it's not friends-only yet so you won't have any problems in seeing my icons. I hope I will back with an icon post as soon as possible and I hope you'll enjoy my stuffs :D

juls ♥

P.S: another thing I have to improve, is my english LMAO so sorry if you see grammatical errors or stuffs like that.


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