new look! + news

Jul 12, 2009 16:40

Hello people!
As you can see: new look here! We turned to black :D black is our best friend lol! Style is always made by
milou_veronica and then this time modify by nicolemissing . Hope it's all ok, but if you see something wrong just let us know!

decode_icons decode_icons decode_icons 
decode_icons decode_icons decode_icons 
decode_icons decode_icons decode_icons

We have two announcements for you.
First: decode_icons is not only for icons right now, it's for all kind or graphics. Wallpapers,banners,headers,picspam,fanmix and everything related. So if you're following our personal journals for the graphics, please join/watch this community 'cause everything will be posted here.
Second: for all the current watchers (and the future) we invite you to join us, not only watch us. 'Cause if the bandwidth problems continues we'll need to made the community members only. It's really annoying that two months on three our bandwidth exceeded. Maybe this way, we can resolve the problem...

Btw, thanks so much for the 340 watchers! You're amazing :D

The makers nicolemissing violetdarko afeastforme and misscla .


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