(no subject)

Mar 24, 2006 23:33

1) Last thing you burned while attempting to cook? I haven’t cooked in a while, but I’d have to say pancakes at Adams house haha or the fries that set off the fire detector

2) Describe yourself in three words. Daring, fun, naughty

3) How long does it take to get ready for your day? A half hour

4)Favorite place to blow 50 bucks? Lacoste

5) How many people have you thought were "the one"? one, but that’s only because our families have arranged us since we were like one haha… that’s not true, but if it doesn’t happen, a lot of people owe me money in future years!

6) What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex? Lying. Or when he acts differently when his friends are around, I hate that the most

7) What kind of car do you drive?  Achieva and a tribute

8) What's in your CD player right now? hmm I use my iPod but the cd player is probably either Jimmy Eat World -Futures, Groove Collective -We The People,
or Dave Matthews Band -Stand Up

9) What celebrity would you have coffee with? Tyson Ritter… and then we’d fuck.

10) What celebrity would you NOT have coffee with? Any of the fags from Fall Out Boy
 -I can’t stand them

11) What is the first thing you wash when you get in the shower? Everything

12) What time do you usually go to bed? 12:05ish

13) Last Movie You Saw? The ending of Chicken Little

14) Last TV show you watched? Everybody Loves Raymond

15) Who is your best friend? Anthony

16) Who in your family do you best get along with? My cousin Taylor

17) Who do you have a crush on? Tyson Ritter and John Gotti  and someone else

18) What time is it right now? 11:19

19) Are you planning a vacation? I just got back from vacation like to days ago

20) When/Where was the last time you traveled? Two days ago and I went to
 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

21) How many times have you been in love? Once I believe, if at all

23) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Engaged possibly, maybe kids… happy though. Very happy and in love

24) Sinful snacking weakness? FANTA!!!!

25) Roller Coasters? Yeah they’re fun the first time

26) Ever run out of gas? Ahaha my car is NEVER more than half full

27) Ever been on a train? Never..no wait, baaack in the day at Woodbine center! aha

28) Ever been on a blind date? Not really

29) Ever been to Europe? Yes. Greece

30) What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day? I would go to a gay bar and hit on all the hot men, cause it seems that every hot guy these days are gay.

31) Would you tell anyone it was really you? Haha of courrrse.

32) Ever been arrested? almost

33) Have a crush on anyone you work with? Dan’s a cutie but hes like 16 haha that’s so illegal. And umm that Adriano is pretty hot too.

34) What is something you believe in? The Liberal Party

35) What is something you fear? Clowns

36) Big or small? Depends….

37) What is the worst physical pain you have ever been in? that time I had that migrane and thought I was dying. Yeah that’s it.

39) Ever photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture? Haha I have photoshopped other people in a picture with me but I have never photoshopped myself!

40) Tell us something about your childhood? Teenage mutant ninja turtles on super Nintendo with Anthony was my favourite… or DZ Discovery Zone play dates were super fun! ahaha

41) What would it cost you to flash the person next to you? Only a very very few people have seen my boobs… and yeah, hahah I’d show ‘em again, then again they’re fucking huge and everyone looks at them anyway. Pfft.

42) Best time to catch you in a good mood? After I talk to certain people or finish doing something with certain people. bev and tip know what I mean ahaha

43) If you could be anything for one day, what would it be? a dinosaur

44) Most prized possession? Cell phone -hahaha

45) Would you ever sell it/how much? Yeah probably, if I got a new one hah

46) What is one of your pet peeves? People who drive to slow and emo kids

47) Favorite kind of ice cream? I always have and always will love the chocolate scoop

48) What song are you listening to right now? Every Time We Touch -Cascada

49) If you could sucker punch one person who would it be? I’m a lover not a fighter, but if I had to choose, I’d say Kenaloo…. Just for the helll of it hahaha no reason at all!

50) Would you like to tell us one of your secrets? I have tooo many secrets!
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