Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If
flutterbye128 took over the world, who would suffer? Who is that?
2) Is
eightiessurgery popular? Totally. C'est moi.
3) Would you wrestle
marchhair in jello? Only if it was scottish jello.
4) Where did you first meet
duczeppelin? We were in 6th grade, at the batting cages -- I gave her a jawbreaker because two came out of the machine. I waasn't planning on talking to her.
lostprophet1183's hair color? Blonde, probably
6) What flavor of jello would
kris5436 be? Um.
7) Does
lifeisa_cabaret go to your school? She use to. Perpich Center for Arts Education.
8) Is
hidendestiny related to you? By the NOOB blood
9) Is
t_jensen introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
10) Could you see
haystackcharm and
thebrokentj together? hahah. Awkward.
11) What would you do if
shanni004 died? I would attend the funeral.
12) What comic book character would
diamondstarcar be? Josh from Ghostworld
13) What mental disorder does
kris5436 remind you of? Um.
14) If
flirtingwiththe took over the world, who would be happy? My father.
15) If
diamondstarcar commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Little mini jonas'
16) If
hidendestiny had a superpower, what would it be? He would be invisible. So that he could tag and not get caught.
17) What is
incognitoxx's favorite band/artist? Why the Beatles ofcourse.
18) What would
noahp do differently in your shoes? He would be in a band.
19) What animal does
diamondstarcar remind you of? Giraffe.
20) What is
snorwie's shoe size? 12?
21) Does
killthehardcore do drugs? She use to. I hear she drinks wine now.
22) Which president would
killthehardcore be likely to idolize? Are you kidding me?
23) Would you ever date
snorwie? haha, sorry, he's too young.
24) What would you do if you found out
t_jensen has a crush on you? I'd wonder if he thought I was a man...
25) Where was
lifeisa_cabaret born? In a news station...?
26) How long would
dudeyersolame dating
killthehardcore last? Me and Stephanie, we'd last forever.
27) Would you set up
kris5436 and
haystackcharm? Nope.
28) Do you think
lostprophet1183 is hot? Nope.
29) What video game does
noahp remind you of? god.
30) Are
clockinnow and
krisco going steady? Don't you wonder?