how about you get over yourself? try that for starters. that might boost you up a couple of years in maturity. then you can break off of mommy and daddy's wallet for the first time in your pathetic, easy, money filled life. yeah right. that would never happen. and if it did, i would PAY to see it. not as if you need any more money you fucking snobb.
are you saying that you don't rely on mommy & daddy's wallet yourself? how'd you get into st. mary's or whatever school you go to... how'd you get the money to pay for the clothes you wear? i'm pretty damn sure you rely on your mommy & daddy's wallet just like everyone else.
quite the contrary. i pay for alot of things that MY parents dont. see they know that one day im going to go out in the world and have to buy my own clothes, shoes, and prada bags that all you rich fucks have. i earn my keep. dont think you know me.
Ha. Well good for you. Yep. One day I too will have to go out into the "real world." And when that day comes...I will be ready to not rely on my parents income, and be independent for once in my life. BUT until that day---you can best believe that I will be taking advantage of everything my parents salaries have to offer me. Hey if they're willing to give it up--then I see no crime in it whatsoever!!
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