Disappointed, Sunburnt, and Broke

Aug 14, 2004 22:48

We set up shop at Clemson today. We had no clue what we were in for. After struggling just to find the right place to go and having been turned around and given multiple wrong directions, not to mention sitting in traffic on campus for almost an hour, we display all our stuff and……nothing…..as in not a single item sold. The promoters promised crowds nearing 17,000, I would have seen more potential customers sitting on my front porch. It seems the Hendrix center…the place where all the 17,000 were was off limits to us, and we were stuck in the ghetto section. Why did they bother to have us out there only to put us where no customers would be? Beats the shit out of me. Today was so messed up we left without even paying for the spot, in my opinion they should have paid us for wasting our time. There were a lot of people near us….moving into their dorm, not having anything in the way of time or energy to do anything like ummmm shop. Clemson has a beautiful campus, and is a world renowned university, so for it’s big vendor fair how many vendors were there??? 10…yep 10. Sorry, pathetic, feeble come to mind. We tried to move to where the crowds were but the management wouldn’t hear it. I want to scream and yet, I’m too tired, and dehydrated and yes sunburnt. It could have been so good, but instead it was a cluster fuck. After talking to some of the other vendors I heard that in years past, big time companies like Lowe’s and Home Depot came to the fair. They weren’t here this year….can anyone guess why??? With luck our space in Anderson will be open tomorrow and we can go back to the real world. Here’s hoping all them geniuses in tiger-town get there heads out of there asses.
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