Jan 31, 2008 21:39
1. Poor Paul's Toothless Wife!
2. Every Rose Has Its Thorn! Weee! Nothing like a little Poison to make me remember where we are and what we're doing. I also like that the spell the girl cast also had a music component. And MAGGOTS!
3. Dean + Bunnies = OTP?
4. Oh, Sammy. I just, I worry about you, ya know? And you try and clear your head and cool your head and do things right and everything is all kerblooey, and Random DemonKing's taking out a hit on you. You're very cute, you know?
5. Dean's rapier wit or at least his reference-infused, this is all very annoying and I'm a professional style snark.
6. Dets. Bachman and Turner. :::smooch her show:::
7. Hotty McWitches. Eh. I liked the sides better (bitch, moan, complain, get over it). Black magic to build a home business. It's cute, the clever tone, but it wasn't pitch-perfect. Sorry, Edlund. I do love the good witch's freckles. Very fetching.
8. A Sam and Dean discussing the case in the car scene!
9. Sammy, we're crossing into some sketchy territory with the let's kill witches garbage, but then he won't let Dean kill Ruby. Seems like he's puffing himself with some talk and not all the walk. I like it. I like him trying it out, but not quite managing it. However, when Dean's on the line, yeah, we WILL be killing some idiot witch-poseurs.
10. Geez, Dean is Shouty tonight. I LOVE IT. I would invite him over just to SHOUT the classifieds and gesticulate wildly at me.
11. Ruby. Ruby, I have always hearted you and now I feel justified.
12. I definitely like that the show has made a clear line between what these girls are doing: The Craft and real witches and neo-pagans. I know some won't see that, but I feel like there was some care with that.
13. The trailer has Dean as a black-eyed demon? That's some kind of fodder right there. If he plays it vaguely DaddyDemon-like, I'm gonna need...well, it'd be TMI to say, but honestly, smoky, slutty, doesn't give a shit, TORTURED by what has happened, but also - because he's a demon - can't help but be amused by it as well, Demon!Dean. It'll be like Not!Dean! on absinthe. That'll get me through the week, even if we know the circumstances. Thank you Supernatural for finding a kink and mining it with single-minded ferocity.
14. Damn, I am so sick! SO SICK. ::sniffles and coughs like she's got the Plague::::
15. Ruby/Dean Black-Eyed EVOL Sex? :::claps hands and makes the Oliver Twist face::::
So, yeah, I liked it. A LOT. I want to watch it when I'm not sick as hell, but yes.
episode reaction,