1. It's been a weird ass weekend. I've kind of been coming down hard from everything and it left me feeling really disconnected and really...hungry. Sort of out of control. I'm thinking it's probably good ol' Fred (insert your favorite period euphemism here). Right now, though? I have plans, a sense of air in my lungs, and I'm feeling okay. Time will tell. Always does.
2. Steampunk for ChiCon. It's gonna end up more BellaMcFancy Pants, but I'm okay with that. It's fun, crafty stuff. Also, I am very pleased that gembat showed me a picture of her hotness her dress because I had .5 seconds of worry that we'd decide not to do it/I'd be the loon in the top hat and three-tiered skirt + corset of BarbieGhostHuntingSteamPunk Goodness in Chicago.
I has a hat. And the rest of the outfit, obvs, but no picture as yet of that. The webcam is shitty, what can I say?
3. Intern comes back tomorrow. I am going to burn off her hours as soon as I possibly can. I just do so much better on my own.
4. Chili Cook-Off went great! Even in that miserable, shitastic cold? 2500 people. 32000 samples of chili. I actually got compliments on being organized. I LOL'ed in real life when I heard that. Wouldn't have missed Wincon for the world, but I'm glad that it didn't die without my hand on the rudder.
5. Slowly but surely, I will clean this house up. I bleached the bathtub today. Did you hear that, universe that cares about my housekeeping ability? I also scrubbed the toilet. So gold star for me. This reminds me of when we used to play Nun Reform School as kids. We were sick kids, still are. It also makes me think about why I love Mishaland so much. It's the discipline.
And one. I'd like to write a few things about this season and why I think it's so rad. Why I'm loving Sam right now. Why I want them to keep their frat-boy jokes away from Castiel. What a season 6 might look like in my limited view. All my fan-thoughts. I am watching the show, thinking a lot about it, but for the first time in ages, I'm reading some great books, watching some other stuff (Big Bang Theory, ST:DS9, and I think over Thanksgiving, I'm going to try to watch True Blood and Generation Kill. Those are the two that have been on the periphery and have actually made a dent in my unassailable resistance to new shows, so we'll see), but I hope to post something more than bullet points soon!