To counteract all this grouchy, unthankful, sour bitch-queenness, I present: Things I am Thankful For In No Particular Order
1. 2005 seems so long ago and yet, not so much. I'm still not bored! I also think that if the Winchesters can survive, I probably - probably - can too. Maybe. Life carries on in this strange way. We find what we need, and if we're lucky we can get our hooks into it early and love it dry. I am so thinking about going to Asylum if it looks financially feasible after Christmas. It's so expensive and so far, but my life is so much more joyful, thoughtful and weird as a result of being a Supernatural fangirl. My love of travel, or rather, my phobia-free hunger for travel comes from Supernatural on so many levels. I am thankful for this intersection of stars.
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2. Our president-elect. When you think about how many other ways it could have gone...I am truly thankful that we have the man we need at the time we need him. Just a few more months!
3. I am employed. Healthyish. I own a house. I have some quirky and amusing friends. I am writing now and again. I have money to spend on some frivolities. My family is doing okay. What I am missing in my life, I am missing, more or less by choice.
4. Right now, I am grateful and thankful for a day off to just go numb. I want to be off the emotional grid for a bit. I'm feeling very empathic, kind of open to it lately, and it's shredding me because I'm teetering with my own stress levels and the people around me are stress bombs and I'm kind of nervous about how aware I am of needing to pull back and recharge. I can't absorb the whole financial crisis as the businesses we serve suffer, I can't change it. I'm sorry that it's happening, but I can't find another 12 hours in my day to give everyone just that little extra effort because I feel the weight on their shoulders. This Thanksgiving, I give thanks for anonymity and alcohol. (I'm now koo-koo-ka-chew over Chambord.)
5. There's been no horrible snowstorms thus far! Huzzah. I'm wondering if Misha Collins' weather charm is working for me too.
And One is simply this - I am thankful for this flist. All y'all folks who drop by and post a comment and share your worlds with me. It sometimes does the most marvelous thing in the world: makes me feel not alone in my crazy. Like I'm part of a community or somesuch and we're all striving towards something. There's a kind of powerful security in knowing that you're all out there. Thank you!