I <3 U2, or, my U2 Saga

Dec 05, 2005 11:25

For the last 10 years before he passed away, every conversation with my father began the same way- “Son, why don’t you take the fucking sunglasses off?”
-- Bono

New Year's Eve 1995: At one of Amedea's legendary highschool parties, I meet Justin, a sweet boy (for a Republican) and a fellow die-hard U2 fan. We get along immensely well despite the ideological differences and make a pact to see U2 together the next time they go on tour (as we were too young to go previously.)

July 10, 1997: Justin made good on our pact and got us tickets to see the Pop tour show, but then he decides to do a PG year program tutoring underprivileged children in Chicago that starts before the concert. Very admirable of him, but it leaves me with one U2 ticket and no way to get there, as I have neither car nor license. I wander around Boston because my mother can’t pick me up at the T yet as she’s still waiting for the Sheep Sheerer to come. I end up at the Starbucks where Amedea was working that summer and describe my dilemma. She offers me a ride through her friend Katndhat33, though she warns me not to be offended if he doesn’t seem too friendly because being on the other coast from his girlfriend is making him moody.
The show was amazing. I was on the floor and manage to get from my seat to just about 10 feet from the catwalk. A random, nice guy offers to put me up on his shoulders so I can see. I am close enough to Bono to spit on him. I’m in heaven until a spoilsport security guard makes me
After a 3 hour drive out of Foxboro, Katndhat33 and I have bonded and we make plans to hang out again, despite the fact that he saw me projectile vomit before the show. (It was a Frappachino-they had just come out, and not some illicit substance.) Yet another lifelong friendship has been forged by U2.

December 4, 2005: Years have gone by, I missed the Elevation tour because I was in law school. But on Saturday night a friend of Astroboy’s calls him and mentions that he has a spare ticket. Astroboy mentions that I am starting to drool, and this kind person offers me the ticket, as well as a ride. (I have my license now, but I’d really rather not drive into the Garden.)
We get to the concert early, and are standing a few rows back from the catwalk. (or “the elipse” to those of you in the know.) I then notice a guy with dark hair, fair skin and blue eyes in front of me who looks vaguely familiar. I realize that he reminds me of my friend Justin. I turn to Astroboy’s friend, K, and say “I think that’s the guy that I was supposed to go to the last U2 concert with by I’m not sure. I’ve only seen him like, 3 times since he was 16”. The guy in front of me finally looks back and says- “don’t I know you from somewhere? Liz-ard!” There were 1,100 people on the floor of the Garden, and yet somehow Justin and I managed to find one another. How crazy is that?
Justin pulls me in front of him and I’m now in the second row from the catwalk. Despite being so close, I feel perfectly safe because the crowd is safe. They even managed to ban together when a very drunken ass tried to edge his way to the front. They all yelled “Security, we have a problem, and about 20 fingers pointed to him.
The show starts, and when the band members come around I’m about 4 feet from them. At one point, Bono stops just to the left of me, and I’m within a few inches of being able to touch him. I don’t mind temporarily being squished because I’m basking in the glory that is Bono.
After the concert, I give K a big hug and smack on the cheek because I am so happy for this opportunity. He even drove all the way back to Prov and stayed at his place here, which meant that he had to get up at 6 this morning. What a Sweetie!

PS: I apologize to all lawyers and graduates of “that girl’s school” for writing this entirely in the present tense.
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