Happy tree friends

Mar 22, 2009 21:07

First of all, I’m lazy, I’m really really lazy. I need to catch up with my flist and comment like 3 posts from griva_x , and I will do it… sometime soon.
Speaking of griva_x . We had brilliant time yesterday watching Friday The 13th. Was it supposed to be horror film? Cause it failed miserably, I was laughing so loud that Olga repeatedly begged me to keep quite. Sorry Jared, I never got it why you needed to drug your huge bag around all movie if you didn’t had candies in there. Also, Jared, you sure you haven’t been filmed in Latgale in Latvia? Because looked really familiar to me.

I’m officially spoiler free for 6 days now. I wanted to be spoiler free since the beginning of the season 4, but I’m very weak person and lack a proper motivation. So proper motivation came in the face of juchalina , who dared me to be spoiler free till the end of the season.
Now I’m spoiler free , and I want to prove her that I can keep my word.
juchalina  is spoiler free, ‘cause she is too lazy to search for spoilers without me,
And fryttu  is the third one spoiler free person, ‘cause simply, she is masochist.

Oh, and this is me and my cow…

Pointless post is pointless.

fryttu sucks beeing toppy bottom, nadya is in control, those two guys who are sekritly gay, life

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