May 27, 2004 03:00
why do I feel out of place
when i see your smiling face
why do I feel so out of place
when I see your charming face
why do I feel so upside down
when you are not around?
i feel so depressed cause you won't talk to me
i feel so low
i feel so lost
i feel so confused
why didn't you want me
why did you throw it all away
why can't you just scoop me in your arms and hold me
why can't you tell me what you want to say
why is this just a once in a time thing
why am i never going to feel that way
why can't i leave you alone
why can't the memories of you erase
as i turn the radio on
that song comes on
and that's when I lose it
the tears stream down my cheeks
the tunes fill my ears
and the memories resurface
your face still as pretty as I remember
I lose sight of what I am doing
and I sit in that car for hours
when I again resurface my clothes are soaked with tears
and all I want is to be held again and kissed like that.