Aug 07, 2009 13:52
So I saw Longwave, Switchfoot and Blue October lastnight at the House of Blues. It was good. I had never heard Longwave so I didn't haven anything to compare to. I however have seen Switchfoot 4 other times. They were just as good as I remember and they played a lot of the older stuff which was cool. Jon even jumped off stage and walked around a little during the concert. No pictures because well you aren't allowed to bring cameras and I didn't feel like trying to take crappy phone shots. I'm sure if you look around you will find some from the concert there were LOTS of phones. Blue October was good as well. Didn't stay to the end of their set however, it was a standing only crowd and my feet were killing me by the end. Ryan started not feeling so hot so we left a little early.
Tried to get Journey tickets, but the lowest ticket cost is 50 dollars so we declined to get them. I really don't understand how people can complain about the economy and still go to concerts that cost that much!! it's ridiculous. It'd be okay if the final cost was 50 but then there are convenience fees and L.E.T (Live Entertainment Tax) fees and well I just can't afford all that. I think I'll go back to just buying CDs. It's cheaper and a lot less annoying.