Nov 19, 2008 09:50
I am packed and ready to go on my second trip. I just got back from Vegas on the 17th, home for one day and now I'm off to NY. This weekend is Russ's celebration of Life and so far there are over 50 people coming. And then the lovely tradition of Thanksgiving and hopefully a little time in the city before heading back home for a little under three weeks before I am off yet again to Vegas from Christmas Eve through New Years. It's been a little crazy, but i don't think I would change it for anything. Soon I won't be able to go anywhere and I will be stuck at a job where I am not allow to travel as I do I guess do it while you can.
Well back to the checklist. I leave at 4:30pm.
Anyone else seen the new James Bond? What did you think? I went and saw it lastnight with my mom at the new 5pts theater, other than being incredibly cold it was a lot of fun. It's great to have another independent theater close to home to go too.