A. the courtyard of the legacy store needs more light
B. Some people need to get out of their funks, everyone is stressing...
C. People need to start communicating...myself included.
D. People need to lighten up.
Anyways, all in all today was a good day. I have been fighting a cold for the past few days, so that hasn't been cool, but I'm feeling a lot better today than I was yesterday and that is a big +. Today I hung out with my bestfriend, had lunch, and attended the ARTWALK. I was finally able to sell some jewelry. I made 70 dollars tonight, so tonight I finally felt like it wasn't a complete waste of time to be sitting out there.
samalamadingong also sold some jewelry, tonight was quite profitable for us. (FINALLY) Though I still expected to see more people, but I do believe the rain kept a lot of them away.
I'm actually sad to see this semester coming to an end, not the classes mind you, but being able to see all my friends. I wasn't able to hang out as much this year, and I miss that. I know most people can't wait to get home and back to their families, so for those I hope they have safe trips home, because I most likely won't see them til January.
This is a pointless post.
I found Alex Mack...and I am happy.