samalamadingong and I did not go to Atlanta, that was known early on that it was not going to happen so when mom got home I asked her if she wanted to go to a movie, so we all hoped in the car and headed out to OP. We decided when we got to the theaters that we all wanted to see Little Miss Sunshine. Samm and I had heard such great reviews of it from
pbvalla and
otakuraven so mom agreed to seeing it. We were not at all disappointed. I laughed so much.
Parts of it though upsetted me a little. Having my own grandfather die this summer, that bit ran a little to true for me.
Though after they carried him out of the hospital I was thinking it was going to be one of those "Weekend at Bernie's" kind thing...and then Olive's dance...oh my. HAHAHAHA. We had movie food for dinner. Though once leaving the theater we were all hungry so we swung by Famous Amos for a little more dinner and then headed home.
Mom and Samm watched Stargate Atlantis and I came upstairs to read, surprisingly though I passed out around 11.
The next morning I was awoken by someone throwing something at my window. On better inspection and since I was a little more awake, I found that it was mom that was throwing twigs at my window. Apparently Samm had locked the door not using the deadbolt and essentially locked my mom out of the house when my mom went out to take the garbage out. So I let her in and we all had a small laugh. Once we were all dressed we went to IHOP for breakfast and talked about what we might do that day. We settled on finding a bead store I used to go to, yet it had moved. We ended up there for a good 2 hours, putting together a myriad of necklaces and such. Samm and I both got help from the two ladies that were there with color schemes and so on. Once we left there we were starving so we were in search of food, we ended up going to Mossfire Grill. I was trying to go a place that Samm and I couldn't find in St. Auggie. That ended up doing the trick. I also had a Cosmopolitan, something new for me. Samm left shortly after we returned home and mom and I went to Blockbuster. We picked out two movies and then came home, we started watching once, but half way into it I fell asleep as did mom.
Sunday morning mom and I woke around 10:15 and talked about getting breakfast, but never did and once we finally headed out we ended up at Woody's. It took forever to get our food. It was very strange, Woody's is usually fast. After lunch we headed home. Watched the movie again, I did some homework and took a shower and then started taking to mom about getting headphones for my TV, I need a headphone extender, but while looking online I found this headphone/speaker switch and I really wanted to get one, so around 5:30 we headed to Office Depot and I purchased one. OD though did not have the headphone extender so that I will have to order online. Oh well. Then we headed to grams to ask her if she wanted to eat dinner, yet she had already eaten so mom and I went to Shoney's. We then watched TV and I made a few necklaces and then headed to bed.
Mom woke me up at 7:30, she called me looking for her garage key, for the parking garage, I however did not know where it was. So I am now officially awake. Grams is coming to pick me up at 11 to take me back to school. Her friend Linda is riding with us, and we are going to get lunch. So I have a little more packing up to do and then getting dressed and then waiting around til 11. It's crazy how much time you have when you wake up early, haha.
and that's this weekend's update.