Feb 13, 2007 17:28
So Japan still hasn't give up on picking up whaling again. They insist no one can tell them what to catch. How ironic that in matters of climate, they realize what one nation does affects everyone else, but when it comes to fish and seafood, they don't. "Research", sure. If it's for reasearch, where's the question the research will answer? How come no scientists from other, non-whale-hunting countries feel a great need to hunt whales for reasearch? Is there no way to study the whales without killing them? Fishy, fishy.
And who is this Mitt Romney person? A mormon presidential candidate? IMO, instant disqualification. His senior campaign manager says "He's a man of great faith" as if it's an unequivocally good thing. I like my presidents factual. I don't want presidents who have faith that there are WMDs where they would like there to be WMDs. Faith doesn't belong in the political process. Facts do. Faith belongs in the private sphere.