Also forgot...

Oct 29, 2005 10:32

Apparently I've graduated to the "men eating out of my hand" stage of attractiveness.

No, really.

I was at ward prayer the other night, and I have this pumpkin chocolate bread, that I'm kinda gesturing with, and this tall guy Dave comes over, leans way down, and EATS IT OUT OF MY HAND. Like, there was tongue contact with my thumb. It was like feeding a giraffe.

And then Jake tries to feed me his apple. All very, very odd.

In other news, I'm sitting here in a skin tone much more approximating Zena's than I usually am...last night I went to MysticTan and got what we dancers like to call "the Mexican" for Halloween (for my gypsy costume). Last night I went to bed, and it'd only developed into the light, natural tan that I usually get for summer....but when I wake up, I'm full on Arabic. It would have been perfect, except silly me, I rubbed bits of the lotion in with my hands, and now my palms are dark too. Need to fix that.

Nice to know that the stuff works! Now, to explain this to my friends at the football game....
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