2 am and I call me, 'cause I'm still awake...

Jul 23, 2005 04:27

I really should just buckle down and take the melatonin. But somehow that feels like admitting that I have a problem. I can work at this hour! I can! I can! Just because I can't somehow, well, type, or do anything else particularly well....

But tonight was good times. Everything worked out as reasonably well as could be expected. Ice cream for the crowds was successfully gotten, and we ended up mostly sitting around and talking about missions and things. Then we went over to the dance, and there were like...10 people there, and the music was coming out of someone's car stereo, but no one seemed embarrassed, which is the part I was worried about.

No slow songs, which, yes, I admit, is what I really wanted, but Andrew asked me to teach him some West Coast, even though that's really not feasible in 30 seconds, and he tried to buy my Slurpee, which was also nice. Then Nate and Kristy and I went and shot pool, and watched Secret Window, which is just like this other movie, only more of a thriller and containing more Johnny Depp. I'm not going to tell you which movie, just in case you haven't seen it.

Anyway, I still can't sleep, but at least now that's all commmemorated.
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