Oct 01, 2004 08:33
Before I start, I have a favor to ask of everyone. I'm doing this project in my Phychology 110 class, and I need all of you to help out. What I need is a description of how you see me as a person. I want it to be COMPLETELY honest, and I don't want you to think that you are going to hurt me or anything, I want you to really say what you think, not some sugar-coated version. I basically want your thoughts on who I am to you. And if you want to use a picture along with the written stuff, that would be even better. Whatever you want to do, as long as it can fit on a piece of paper in a folder (it's going to look like a scrapbook)... that's all I ask. It can be as long or as short as you want. If I haven't been clear enough then just leave a comment... but please get this too me sometime soon (email it to Love_the_Elf@hotmail.com), the project is due later on in the semester, but I'd really like to get it done and make it look really cool. Thanks guys! You're the best!
Let's see, where to begin.
I'm seeing a therapist now. It's definitly a good thing. She's really cool, and I can see that she's going to do a lot of good.
I'm really starting to consider moving out of my parent's house... I don't know how or when this will occur, but it's gonna happen sooner than later.
Classes are going well, even by my standards. I'm beginning to think that my feeling of ineptitude is simply because I didn't do this stuff in High School... I didn't take phsychology or languages, as least not with the intent that I'd be doing something with them. But now that I am, I think things will work out a lot better.
I've decided that the only way I'm going to get better and see life on the positive side, is if I start remembering the good stuff that happens, and stop being so goddamned negative all the time.
"Enjoy life, it's a limited time offer."
I'm not the first person to try and "talk" myself out of depression, but I'm probably not the last either. There's got to be some way to influence your brain chemistry... I mean, our surroundings do it all the time. I just gotta figure out how to "trick myself into being happy."
I need to allow time for the things I really love doing. I'm going to be taking some portrait shots of Charlotte, my "adopted niece." Christyn's actual niece... yeah, she's cute... and it was her mom's birthday yesterday, so we're going to take some cute pictures and frame them.
yeah, so I guess that's it, later foolz.
and please get those pictures and descriptions to be asap... thanks!