Why does registration have to be stupid...

Aug 09, 2004 15:21

Ok, so I was up at camp last week, and I had a TOTALLY AWESOME time... the kids were really fun... and I met some really cool people... Which reminds me that I need to send cookies to them...

The only problem being that I had to register with OCC on Thursday the 5th... and I was at camp... so my Mom had to do it for me.

So then, I came home on Saturday, and I found that most of the classes I wanted to take, were closed... so I ended up with a completely different schedule than I had asked for.
It is as follows.
Psychology 110 (Psych of Adjustment), English 141 (the Bible as Lit), Aikido (PE), French 180 (Elementary French), English 148 (Film as Lit), and Theatre Art 109 (Musical Theatre workshop)...

Now, you're probably wondering... what exactly am I going to do with a schedule of classes like that? I mean... what sort of major would require those. And my answer is, I have no clue!

All I know is that I want to work at Forest Home next summer, because I love working with Kids... and being outdoors... and that would be the most perfect job for me.

So, who knows what I'm going to end up doing... all I know for now is that working at Forest Home is a requirement... and the whole being in a band thing is sounding better all the time... I have to learn guitar in the next 6months too... and get really good... so, lates foolz...

work, decisions, dreams, trips, school

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