(no subject)

Mar 12, 2008 16:55

The rumours have been flying everywhere. Apparantly, Fingon has done something to upset Feanor? And Finrod, only just returned from a trip, was sent off again in the direction of Barad Eithel. It seems that large events are happening within the Finwe clan. I hope my dear cousin manages to keep herself out of it as much as she can. I've no idea what she's marrying into.

I, for one, am more than happy to get away from all this noise. Rumours and intrigue and court gossip never were my interest. Give me a horse, a bow, and an open road any day.

So, I am doing just that. Would anyone like to join me on an orc-hunting patrol? Glorfindel? Elfwine? Anyone?

No, Ameniel, you cannot come. I am not going to put you and your child at risk. I'll take you later after you've had the baby.

*goes to ready his horse and gear*

Laiqalasse: *is in the stable, getting his horse ready*
Finrod: *falls off horse as it trots into the stable*
Laiqalasse: *blinks and looks over* My Lord Finrod, are you alright?
Finrod: Mmmf.
Laiqalasse: *leaves his horse to go help Finrod up* Goodness, what have you been doing?
Finrod: *sits up* I've been to Barad Eithel and back twice in the past two days.
Laiqalasse: Eru. Why would you do something like that?
Finrod: *ow movement oh wow ow ow ow* Uncle Feanor told me to.
Laiqalasse: Is this because of... whatever's going on? All the rumours say he's about to kill Fingon. Hold still. *supports Finrod so he'll be in less pain as he sits*
Finrod: I think he's going to leave that for Uncle Fingolfin at this point.
Laiqalasse: Oh... oh dear. Is he coming back?
Finrod: *winces as he tries to sit up more* Yes. With Aunt Anairë
Laiqalasse: Anaire? When did she get here? *so confused* Lord Finrod, I recommend you not move. How about I carry you to... whereever you're staying.
Finrod: No! Gotta tell... *hyperventilates a little* Uncle Feanor... *breathe* Maybe I'll just sit here....for a minute
Laiqalasse: I'll take the message for you.
Finrod: and... warn... *losing consciousness* Ame.... *zzzzz*
Laiqalasse: Oh dear... *gently shakes Finrod* Just wake up enough to tell me where to put you.
Finrod: ....straw?
Laiqalasse: ...right. *lifts Finrod carefully* How about I take you to Turgon's tower?

*sighs* Right. How do I always manage to get mixed into these things? *leaves Finrod in the care of some servants at Turgon's tower, then takes off to deliver his message to Feanor before going to check on his cousin*
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