Fuck yeah.
My apologies to everyone I neglected last month, and my thanks to everyone who supported me (mostly the same people).
I still can't believe I wrote over nine thousand (IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!) words yesterday. Holy carp.
And I didn't even finish. I just stopped when I hit 50k. There's still about two chapters to go, so no, you can't read it yet. Ask me in a week or so. Also I will have to rewrite the last chapter I wrote. Why? Because I was seriously tired towards the end, and I was having trouble with the phrasing, but I didn't have the time to have trouble with the phrasing, so I wrote things like these:
"So where's the harm in trying that a second time? Look, I know my convincing techniques aren't the best, but the author is really stressed and tired and not capable of writing anything decent in that regard, so this is all she can come up with right now. You may have noticed that we haven't really been in character this past chapter. It's only going to get worse until the author gets some sleep, and she still needs to write well over a thousand words until there. So I just need to say something preferably lengthy that halfway convinces you so you can sigh, think 'oh, what the hell' and ask me what I had in mind."
I sighed. Oh, what the hell. "What did you have in mind?"
Hilarious, I know (that one I may actually keep), but not what I had in mind. So I guess I'll also participate in NaNoFiMo this year!
(And did I mention every single member of the Marburg NaNo-group won this year? Oh yeah.)