One more!

Apr 12, 2005 11:09

Yes! one more test done today! How did I do, no idea! But it's done! One more next monday.

I really find working and doing school at the same time to be really really time consuming, esp if the work is somewhat, how you say, repetitive?

On the other hand, today's weather is being really nice to me, wind feels great, apparently that sudafed the doctor prescribed me is working cause yay! no headache! I talked to him yesterday and he said he's never heard of cases where pollen allergy causes headaches, and he was going to check over his files. I guess I'm just sorta abnormal XD when it comes to pollen. But I don't care, as long as the medicine works, I could careless even if it's Viagra.

In the mean while, half assing searching for apt for summer, and planning for Japan trip.

Alright, back to studying :P
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