Hyper Japan 2012 ♥

Mar 05, 2012 01:05

Sorry I've been slow to post lately...
Work has been busy! I had a great birthday, wowww~~~ I think it was the best birthday ever!!! I feel really lucky to have such amazing friends, colleagues, family and boyfriend.
I got an iPhone 4s for my birthday, I was using a really shitty INQ mobile before for 2 years so...wow, this is amazing technology to me XD; I'm really intimidated by it hahaha! If anyone knows any good apps I should get, please let me know! ♥

Also went to Hyper Japan! It was okay this year, kinda crowded...I bought some jewellery, an artbook, picture frame and some penguin slippers :B

I wore Chess Chocolate on Friday and Whip Magic on Sunday.

Candid shot of me being interviewed on Nico Nico by lifeisforliving XD

The video is here:

image Click to view

Hahah wtf is flute wizard XD;...?

Also finished a new drawing over at my Tumblr.

How's everyone's year been so far?! *A* I just realised this is my first post of 2012, my god...;; I promise I'll post more! ♥ ;;;

Thanks for reading, if anyone is still around XD;!
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