Oct 21, 2005 10:01
i quit my job. today i just did not show up. i am now a full time employee at the blue monkey (four shifts) how is it going? well it is a whole lot of work, but i put up with less shit and my bosses treat me well plus they are fair. honestly you would think working there you would deal with lots of assholes, but actually everyone has been nice so far. i am sure tonight (friday) will be different. i am so pissed b/c i could have gone to the caralena workshop that is going on all day today if i knew that my bosses were going to be assholes i would have signed up for the friday carolena workshop.
so to what happened. one of my shitty bosses pulled me into her office to tell me it is just not working out, but i was welcome to stay until i finished school, but i should start looking for a job. basically i honestly think my personality bugs her and she has no reason to fire me. so i packed up my shit oat four thirty and left. she is such a cunt. my favorite phrase she says is "i am a good person" as in reference to herself. she makes me sick. so basically i have not done anything to get fired so she cannot fire me technically plus she is so cheap she would not pay unemployment. my other favorite phrase she said is i think you are great but its just not working out its nothing personal.
today i am meeting up with my coworker at the monkey jj cause he thinks he can get me in cosmetics. he worked in cosmetics at one point and he has a friend that still works over there and he is going to introduce me so i can put him down a a reference.
cross your fingers..i may be able to work for chanel or dior.