Dec 31, 2004 12:56
I managed to sit through 6+ hours of Lord of The Rings yesterday! During the 1st one I had a push pop so I was relatively quiet even though I made everyone sign a disclaimer saying they wouldn't casue me harm if I got all annoyingly ADD. then we took a 2 hour dinner break to Cosi's, very fun, lots of pyro activities going on there. I de-vriginized Jeff in Bruce, yeah he doens't fit he's too tall! then back to Lauren's for take 2. This time I owe my non ADDness to Tom, except during that "orgasmic" battle scene. I have no idea what the hell was so arousing about it, but whatever, I snuggled w/Jeff so it was all good. Then Jeff and Meg left and we watched Napoleon Dynamite, which is a very dumb movie. Tom and I made a fort and yeah.
The End
P.S. You're AMAZING!!!!!!!!