1sentence theme Delta: Sebastian/Ciel (Kuroshitsuji)

Mar 27, 2010 16:10

1sentence (Challenge theme: Delta)
Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji)
Notes: I say pairing, but it’s more gen than anything. I’m also skipping all over the timeline here, using way too many run-on sentences, stuffing up my tenses everywhere, and probably making everyone OOC *fails* Who knew writing one sentence per prompt was so difficult? This is likely to never be finished, by the way. Argh.

#01 - Air
“Hold on, Master,” the voice above him murmurs, so he keeps his head tucked down and tightens the circle of his arms around Sebastian’s shoulders, wondering inanely, as the sound of air sings by his ears and his heart tries to beat its way through his chest, how it felt to be fearless and immortal.

#02 - Apples
The demon smiles inwardly, watching his master bite into a blood-red apple and feigning innocence when Ciel glances at him suspiciously, as he remembers the story of humanity’s fall from grace.

#03 - Beginning
Circumstances in his life allowed Ciel no transition from being a child to an adult; one day, bearing a contract with a demon in his left eye and memories of hellfire in his mind, he simply was.

#04 - Bugs
“Ah, yes, they do resemble some of the lesser beings in hell…”, Sebastian blandly comments over Ciel’s shoulder (smug, know-it-all, and much-too-tall …), as Ciel slowly surveys the mess done to the sole of his boot, then steps onto the bug’s splattered carcass again, grinding down with his heel viciously.

#05 - Coffee
Only once had Ciel tried black coffee; it took all his self-control to keep the bitter mouthful down and not spewed across the desk at his butler, whose dark eyes twinkled in what could only be mirth.

#06 - Dark
He no longer feared sightlessness in the dark night, when he bolted awake from nightmares - he just wasn’t sure whether the ruby gleam of his butler’s eyes from across the room was more comforting or frightening.

#07 - Despair
Ciel knew despair when he lost his family once and, looking around the study at his bumbling servants (failing to do their jobs, as usual) and unnaturally gifted butler (sighing, resigned and exasperated), wondered if he could deal with losing it again.

#08 - Doors
As head of staff, Sebastian has easy access through the entire Phantomhive household, but he knows there is one door he can never open; one to a tiny room in the farthest reaches of Ciel Phantomhive’s mind, tightly shut by heavy chains, iron bars, locks and keys where he keeps the remnants of his humanity.

#09 - Drink
Despite his young age, Ciel Phantomhive was known as a ruthless businessman and, surprisingly, a strong drinker who never lets alcohol take control… well, when one is intoxicated with drink, one would find it difficult to notice the young master’s butler smoothly exchanging wine for grape juice, too.

#10 - Duty
Abiding by contract terms is a demon’s aesthetic; obligatory servitude and duty towards a human master, even as young and weak as his, is merely part of a hedonistic indulgence - he makes it clear to Ciel Phantomhive that even all the trappings of love and loyalty can be bought, for a price.

#11 - Earth
The young Count of Phantomhive makes no visits to the cemetery, not for his aunt, and not for his parents; behind his back, people call him a cold-hearted demon, but the real demon knows it is because Ciel cannot bear to look down at his feet and see the bloody sacrifices he has come to stand atop of.

#12 - End
Sebastian (well, that is no longer his name, is it?) gently cradles the pale, paling face of his child-master and smiling (for what reason is there not to smile?), breathes in the life leaving bloodless lips like the sigh of a lover (sweet and petal-soft and all his).

#13 - Fall
He felt a split second of paralyzing fear, deafening wind in his ears, a million what if’s flashing through his mind, before realizing there was a familiar black-clad arm wrapped securely around his waist, and finally managed to let out a breath he did not remember holding.

#14 - Fire
He remembered heat and chaos, flames crackling as everything around him burnedburnedburned to ashes - he was too young and helpless then, but now he is armed with a demon from the fiery pits of Hell itself.

#15 - Flexible
Ciel screwed his eyes shut at the strain he felt in the backs of his knees (he could just hear the mocking laughter of his butler), as his tent-mate pushed down on his shoulders in an apparent attempt to fold him in half, and shouted, “Freckles, get off of me! I don’t bend that way!”

#16 - Flying
He missed it sometimes, the rush of wind as his body cut through the air, and the sheer convenience that still cannot be matched by the limitations of playing a human, ridiculously outstanding as he is.

#17 - Food
There were times (especially right after their contract was made) when Ciel Phantomhive felt shivers run up his back when his butler looked at him, eyes considering and hungry, as though he were a slab of mea- well, he supposed that was going to be true enough, eventually.

#18 - Foot
Sebastian thought his master made quite a charming young lady, truly, as he grasped a delicate ankle from beneath layers of pink and white fabric to rest the foot on his knee, and gently massaged away the aches from dancing in those pretty little shoes, inwardly laughing at the embarrassed face resolutely turned away from him.


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