Elaine wants to go to Gold Coast with Sara during the summer.
UPDATE 356pm
It sucks how nowadays just watching TV is not enough to satisfy my need for utter distraction - I also tend to blog, turn the TV on mute and savour The Hills, MSN chat and text all at once. What the fuck is wrong with me! I need to learn how to tune in and focus, but I just feel so restless, so bored.
Biology was a waste of my life and although my bus was late, the thermometer session that will take place every morning from today onwards (swin flu) caused me to miss little less than a few minutes of biology. Being in biology with a cover who kept pacing around was much to my annoyance, as I grew more and more to wish that I had slept in or skived to breakfast with Sara instead. We ended up deciding that it would be a fuckload of fun to go to Gold Coast during summer and started planning, even going to the lengths of looking for a cheap flight to get there.
We skipped tutor group for a $2donut and talking, then visited her collection of fake moustaches that we intend to use on friday night when we go scouting for prostitutes at Chinatown. Haha! Math was as it was, I got some work done during my free for once and lunch was spent with Sara by the hawkers, eating absurd biscuits with insightful messages on them. Haha, like "BEWARE OF LIES" - clearly my food is trying to warn me of something. God has such effective methods! Hahahaha!
I spent Spanish texting Kyle which put me into a good mood. Some lucky star must be shining on me, because I scraped a 6 for Spanish! My oral which I thought had been utterly disasterous(my Spanish teacher made comments suggesting this) was not badly done. With the last of my results back, I finally feel relief from the tiny bird which has been bothersome, fluttering in the deep alley at the back of my mind. In reflection, I am incredibly surprised about my results. Although I wish I wasn't so proud that I hadn't studied, I am to have not and still come up with such agreeable results.