It's funny how you come out of the worst of situations with new friends. Maybe its because you did the right thing, maybe it's just a ruse... and it will come back to bite you in the butt. This is quite true from my experience so far. I would argue that I've already had it nip at my ass but it could just be that fact that the truth will always reveal itself. I had gotten myself stuck in the stickiest gum on the ground to come out of it, but not without some stuck to my shoe, even if only in frugal quantities. I feel like I try so hard to be nonchalant about everything, to hide myself from the hurt that could find me. I do not like to be vulnerable, and it is this that could make me a hero, or destroy me. Wow, is that really melodramatic or what?
I have been tired recently, dragging my feet. I don't think I've ever felt this kind of compression, pushing on my back, squeezing me. Or maybe that was just from the intense stretching I did last night.
I have all sorts of thoughts on my mind. I'm wating this show on E! and Lisa Loeb is discussing kids with one of her girl friends. They mentioned how naturally cliche it is that as soon as you mention kids the guy bolts. That's a weird thought to me and I imagine it would be really quite hurtful to find out that the love of your life doesn't want to share this with you. I'm not saying that I want kids, especially not now, but would your hubs rather have you go and have a kid with someone else than devote his life to you with the wonderful creation that is the child you two share? How can that be any more horrifying than the woman you sold your soul for to run to another simply because your goals differ from hers? For some reason or another, I cannot imagine anyone telling me that they wouldn't want to have a child with me, not because I am cocky or want to procreate for narcisstic reasons but because... well come to think of it I can't think of a reason to have a child. Which is why I don't think I will have one but my point is simply that I cannot imagine telling my love that I want to have a child and him turning his back on me, rebuking my suggestion. What is it that he could be afraid of, responsibility? Committment? If he loves you, he would fear nothing other than losing you.
I have my new phone and my new calender. Earlier this week Wallace made my day by making me some of his mom's special carrot-raisin-orange-juice salad. What a nice gesture! I definitely needed more ups to my week. Another was the mix CD I am listening to now and walking out for lunch @the hawkers with George/Wallace/Kyrre. I did the first aid training on Tuesday night. I am glad to have been in that session because it was alot more fun than I thought it would be, and 2+ hours didn't seem to be too langorous. is pretty gory I have to say. No Sara, I am not paying you $10 if you accidentally end up watching this, but after reading this I know you won't anyway. If you did watch this, would you get it done for a life's supply of food at your favourite restaurant? Or to find your soul mate?