Aug 27, 2008 19:40

I failed my boating exam last night. 19/30 haha, although it is alot less funny considering Kevin got 27/30 - not bad for an old man who is becomming senile and has trouble concentrating. (-:Just joking congrats Dad! He came out, jumped into the air &I knew. I, who finished in about 14minutes had to wait outside for him, wondering how to break the news of my failure. I'm taking it again on the 23rd - this is what I get for studying on the day of the test. This was one test I wasn't able to wing.

I adore having frees. I spent today's 5/6 with Stephen, hanging out. It rained. Surprisingly it wasn't too awkward &we got along better than I ever would've thought... although the contact in my left eye was causing me much turmoil. So it is likely I looked like Quasimodo - with one red swollen eye. Grotesque. He's pretty funny; and it truly is nice to watch our friendship progress as during the course of its development I've come to find Stephen is not as "normal" as I though. This is of great excitement to me. We even share some of the same childhood traits such as looking at the world while lying upside down off the edge of a sofa... wondering if we were to walk on the ceiling how we'd get past the topsy-turvy door.

Today I got called into the office with Jose Luis(Sara's future shopping bud) only to find my nervousness in vain. I was called there to be told I have to attend after school computing lessons every Thursday. Yes, I know I'm not the most I.T. super tech-y type but I honestly didn't think I was that bad.... Rrrr, I should've just lied on the questionnaire thing.

Things are getting busy.... &it really doesn't help that this new laptop keeps distracting me. I'm tempted to simply play with it all day long. I need to sleep earlier.

stephen, school, bad luck, exams, boating

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