Feb 26, 2011 00:29

Elaine blames jetlag for the landslide of dreams during conventional waking hours

bids all of it a sorrowful goodbye to turn elsewhere that might have a little more stretch of road to walk, but still feels like a naked tree whose leaves have abandoned it for some dry wind.

has been orbiting a little differently. Am not really a planet, but change is always welcome.

tries hard not to feel pathetic while gracelessly hairdrying the wet toe of her sock while it is still on her foot at 230AM after a melodramatic cry. To no avail, but loved ones are well worth it.

contemplates allowing herself to rot a little longer in bed tomorrow morning while typing this status with fingers smelling of the most processed chicken nuggets in existence and sour ketchup. No matter how subjective happiness is, one must concede this is not it.
sits eating Half Price strawberries trying desperately to avoid using her cold as justification for the lack of essay-writing. Fatigue and disappointment over strawberries are also scapegoats worth mentioning - but only on Facebook, not in an extension request... for tiredness and bruised fruit have yet to impair sight/the mobility of the fingers.

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