Creative Poles - Both Domestic and Imported

May 05, 2004 11:49

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Hi Folks,

Elaine here - As some of you know, that I was by American standards, poor as a child. This in many ways has help me understand how creative these kids are about making toys out of stuff that others would think of as garbage. Also the children and I share an ability to “MacGyver” stuff .

Lawrence thought it odd that I was saving my morning yogurt cups and rinsing them out ~ I figured that they could be used as tubby toys, in the small sand box, and as objects for the matchbox cars to hit. Which they were. Also, “I” took one of these cups, made a hole and put a drink stirrer in it and made a dancing horse out of it.

As we mentioned earlier, my scarf was used for a myriad of uses. During one of the Tesco runs, I bought “D” two little scarves and Lawrence gave the boys some of his running bandanas. They have been blankets, capes, dog leases, and roofs on small houses. They connect the various small trucks the have been left by previous parents.

One of the things that the children have been most impressed about me is how I made paper “samalots” (paper airplanes) from the aforementioned rolling paper napkins.

Then there was some netting that came with the sand toys. Lawrence was trying to throw it away when me and one of the kids were chasing him saying in two languages, “Don’t throw that away, that is good stuff.”

“D” found a string on the ground and was well pleased by her find. I didn’t have enough language to say, don’t show it to Daddy because he will take it. But of course, she had to show Daddy and he, being the more safety conscious of the two parents, took it from her.
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