Killer Kids Killing Kids

Apr 18, 2005 00:14

Today was okay. I woke about at 11:23 this morning. But then feel back asleep knowing i was suppose to pick up jo at 12:00 or so...i took travis home. Picked Jo up at 1:00 sadly she had to be home by 5:00 which annoyed me greatly. We watched Battle Royal...could you kill your classmates if it meant the saving of your own life? I could. We also watched some bleach..which was okay i guess. I took Jo home and hung out there for about half an hour. After i went to kimballs, and helped him do various chores. Came home and played WoW. Then started talking to Jo. We both openly admitted we liked each not sure if i should ask her out or not. Tomorrow will yield the answer to my questions on that subject.

Things Not to Say During Sex:
-I have to poop.
-Keep it down, my mother is a light sleeper.
-Actually your sister likes it like this.
-But everybody looks funny naked!
-Hold on, let me change the channel.
-NO! You're too fat to be on top.
-Hey! My friends were right! You ARE good!
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