Nov 07, 2007 12:38
So this is my first post in several months. I suppose I should make it worth while.
I'm in college! Ta DA! It's finally happened. After hanging out with the college guys for so long I finally join them...but I never see any of them. Mark, Mark and John, I understand why I don't see you. However, I should see Steve and Matt. And I do, Matt more so than Steve. I'll chalk up the lack of Steve to the combination of illness and work. I know I'll see them all eventually.
Classes are amazing. I enjoy what I'm studying and really feel challenged by material the way I never was in high school, except for maybe physics. I'm taking French, Honors Calculus, Biology, and Media Aesthetics.
Media Aesthetics is a confusing class. I love the texts we're reading however I feel its bullshit what we discuss in class. But I hear that is a trait of all humanities. But whatever, I think I might be learning how to write.
I don't think I've ever felt dumber in a biology class. I should actually be writing a lab report for it now, but wasting time is better. Its cool to learn all the details that I never knew but I don't know if I'm cut out for research. THis could possibly shake up what I'm doing with the rest of my life...
I love my calculus class. I think it is my favorite class right now. I might not always get the proof the first time round but when I finally understand there is just this satisfaction that comes with it. I also don't mind spending 12 hours on my math homework. Maybe math is possible future...
Languages here are insane. Everyone claims the all the 200s are easy, but I feel challenged. I don't know if its because I have a native French speaker for the first time ever or that I just had the longest summer of my life where little to no French existed. Who knows? Its gotten better since that first depressing class. I hope that this is just the first of many classes that help me master the French language.
I enjoy the people I live with. They are a little insane but its okay; insanity is fine with me. My roommate is sweet. She and I get along amazingly well, I don't think I could have asked for a nicer roommate. Many good conversations with her. Out dorm room is a nice space. I think its becoming he study space for the section seeing as we have food that we readily give out. Weird things happen with people at 3 in the morning.
I live in Hitchcock, but I wind up in Snell alot of the time.
I have found a good group of people to hang out with. Originally this was my math study group and now we're doing non math things i.e. going to bar night. Results of this endeavor to appear later. I love the people in this group especially my buddy Mihir, who is basically almost exactly like me. He;s in all the same classes and is just as confused by things as me. Its kinda scary! But its comforting to have someone like that here. It makes me miss my Mark Mazzone more!
Overall, I miss the group but I love the people here. I can't wait for the slight break from the madness of work here for Thanksgiving.