You Were Warned....

Nov 15, 2009 00:51

.....that reminds me how brilliant does 2012 look? i really want to see it! =) anyway sorry for the detour, but yes you were warned about the ranting post i had building up and here it comes!

something that i have been reading alot about lately, not breaking news, not politics, not an investigation with great influence, there is no need for me to share with you such things i don't think. they are pretty hard to escape hearing about so i'm sure that you don't need to hear about them from me. but, something that has been really getting to me is the amount of times i have seen and heard about how many animals, there are that are endangered to the extent that they really will soon become extinct! i know its the oldest new story there is, but lately i've been feeling that because of that exact reason perhaps its harder to realise that it shouldn't just be an issue that is part of the furniture of the world. one that is inevitable to can therefore be ignored. i'd like to say here before i really get into this, that i do realise how many people there are doing wonderful things to help this cause. i know when i say people don't realise i know most definitely that i am not talking about every single person in the world. but i do know that at the same time as there are people willing to do whatever they can to help, there are some who for whatever reason decide that its not their problem, and not something they need to be concerned with or even think about! especially when the more i've read the more its become very clear that, humans are the ones that have caused the vast majority of these animals to face near extinction.

its nothing new that so many species are becoming extinct, but sadly there doesn't seem to be any news of the situation getting better. There has been a series on the BBC "last chance to see" hosted by Stephen Fry and Mark Carwardine its finished showing now, and it was wonderful. but so, so sad aswell. they travelled around the world, re tracing the steps taken but Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine 20 years previous. some of the animals they saw on the first trip has already become extinct only 20 years later. all the animals they showed on the show are endangered and supposedly soon to be extinct. and it makes me feel really sad, especially seeing as the reasons for their extinction are all related to mankind, poaching for fur, skin, horns etc, destroying their habitats for wood and fuel or just killing because they were deemed a nuisance. and some of the stats they gave in the last episode of the show were really really difficult to hear.

This page has some of the information that they shared on the program, but not all.

heres the one that i thought were the most lasting from the series.

"With the amount of species currently in danger of extinction, if they made programs like they have last chance to see for all these animals, and broadcast them once a week, the series would run continually for well over 300 years! without any breaks!"

i wish that i could show you all of this series, so that you can see these amazing animals they travelled so far to find. and also so you would then know what has spurred on this rant. infact incase you do feel inclined you can watch them here if you scroll down all the episodes are listed underneath under last chance to see.

I know there is a lot of things going on the world at the moment, and some people may accuse me of being idealistic in thinking about the animals when there are more than plenty of issues concerning people to be dealt with too. sometimes i feel that injustice is the most widely traded commodity in this world. i wont even leave it at wrongly or rightly because to me that will always be wrongly. but its the way it is, and regardless of what i have to say on here or anywhere else i suspect very highly that it will remain and i do understand that...... i feel another rant post about that coming on, i'll leave it a while inbetween though don't worry..... but although i understand it, it doesn't stop me from getting riled about it. like when you get a parking ticket, you know you got it because you didn't get back to the car in time, so you understand. but at the same time. you're just SO mad because you were only 3 mins late!

i suppose what i'm trying to say is i can't help but feel a bit guilty, if we are the reason these animals are so few and far between, only in captivity or extinct altogether in some cases. what did they do to deserve it? and as well as that, is it really to late for us to fix it? or are all these gorgeous animals going to disappear from this world, destined to live only through photographs and memories?

I for one am not ready to believe its too late! and i know i'm not the only one and people and organisations like this only provide me with more hope that something can still be done for some if the circumstances have to dictate not all!
one day i'd like to spend time traveling to places where i might be able to help doing things like this, until then i'll have to settle with helping any other ways i may be able from where i am.

and despite my rant which may seem founded mainly upon doom and gloom, it really wasn't planned to be that way, the story really isn't all negative i just get all revved up about something and can't organise what i want to say properly and coherently, but i'm trying!

so heres the hopeful part!
So long as the animals are on the endangered list. all 8,471 of them.....they are not extinct yet, and therefore still have hope to move off of that list, with all the help they can get. so there is some encouragement to be found yet! =)

heres a few of pics of some of the animals that captured my heart during the show, the Kakapo a very large parrot native to New Zealand which was the cutest thing its so friendly, it just wanders up to people that then shoot it, the Mouse Lemur, and sea turtles.

and to borrow the words of Stephen Fry and Last Chance to See once more,
"Wouldn't it be a shame....quite literally shameful, if all we left for the people of the future are photographs, in place of thousands and thousands of some of the most extraordinary, complex, baffling and sometimes hilarious creatures that ever walked the earth........isnt it extraordinary to imagine we could be the generation to watch them all slip away....and in the future would people not wonder how we could possibly have allowed that to happen?"

I'm sorry for the length of this rant. really. i am. and if you've made it to the end, thank you for bearing with me! =)
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