Its a Girl Thing =)

Nov 04, 2009 00:10

For the vast majority of the day i've been making a corset with my sister, well trying to atleast, contrary to the business i'm in, pattern making isn't really my area of expertise at all! to say the least if i'm honest! but never the less her textiles design requires she make a corset, so we embarked upon doing so. with not much idea which direction to go in after an initial pattern was rendered useless! but after much time and debate i have to say i'm pretty impressed with what we've come up with! only a couple of changes to make in the morning, as far as i can see at the moment anyway! anything goes drastically pear shaped! lets just hope not! hehe! i'll put up some pictures when the real deal has been made, not just the mock up =) hopefully all will go well!

A couple of days ago my sister played me a song, i only listened a couple of times to begin with! but since then i seem to be unable to go without listening to it every few songs! i'm sure this will end after a few days but until it does i thought i should share it incase anyone else might find they like it too! its a simple song, country music which i do love from time to time =), i think i like it most just because its a cute idea, with sweet lyrics to match! and it definitely feeds my girly, sunshine, happiness and fairy-tale driven side!

So for your enjoyment! =)

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Jesse Lee - Its a girl thing! =)

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