
Apr 06, 2007 10:47

New pet color on Subeta you can get by redeeming the gems we dug up.

I am so very tempted to make an illumis just to paint it that. That is GORGEOUS.

Whole new entry in the news about it:


Apparently on the 6th and 7th of every month when Phaloroceas is closest to Subeta, you can dig for gems again. *scampers to dig*

This is soooo cool. ^_^


I broke down and did it, since there's a 5 pet limit for standard accounts. I just hope they don't make too many of the galactic pets insanely gorgeous, or I'll have to get a gold account just to create a hoarde of galactic fiends. Muahaha.

Talaeth, my galactic illumis: http://www.subeta.org/petinfo.php?petid=368067
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