May 10, 2010 22:27
Jen wrote a Supernatural term paper on the argument structure of Sam and Dean's fight concerning John throughout the first season.
Just a brief excerpt so you get what she's talking about...
"Dean and Sam are brothers, the same as any others, except that they are hunters. 'Hunters' are people that hunt supernatural beings that endanger the lives of people, such as malevolent spirits, vampires, and demons. Demons are the most significant because Dean and Sam's mother is killed by one when they are only children. This event causes their father, John, to become a hunter in order to find that demon and avenge his wife. He passes on his skills to his sons, and they go on hunts together, until Sam decides to go to college.
John is the topic of many disagreements they have. I will analyze power in their arguments and how it influences who wins them. In order to accomplish this, I also analyze the markers of disagreement that they employ. I have transcribed their arguments concerning their father from the first season, giving the time I began and ended the transcription at the beginning and end of the excerpts.
Much of my interpretation of power is based on Hutchby's description of power as demonstrated on British talk radio shows. Hutchby states that the person asking the questions holds the power in the conversations because she or he can criticize the addressee's replies without having to justify her or his own position in any way (1996: 488). He refers to the person asking the questions as being in second position (Hutchby 1996: 487). And two ways for the person answering questions, who is in first position, to move into second are to change the topic or also ask a question (Hutchby 1996: 493)."
I just LOOOVE her conclusion!
"Dean wins most of the arguments concerning their father, despite Sam having more rational arguments. Dean's arguments, most often based on emotions or stubbornness, are difficult to refute. He wins the arguments dealing with Sam joining him in the search for John, in the asylum, in the car after being reunited with their father, and the first argument when he is held hostage. Sam only wins the argument that is about sealing the Colt in the trunk of Dean's car. Neither wins the argument about going to California. Sam has a difficult time getting through to Dean because in Dean's eyes, their father's word is law, rendering almost anything Sam can say ineffective. This unwillingness to listen gives Dean power because Sam simply gives up trying to convince him most of the time. Even though they argue constantly, in the end, it is their strong bond that allows them to overcome their differences no matter how their arguments end."