Nov 09, 2004 16:53
Okay, I am SO obsessed with Smallville... it's not even FUNNY!!!!
NON-STOP watching of episodes, attempting to download as much as possible... at this point I'm just trying to get a hold of the DVDs. I will buy, don't care about the price =_-
Clark (aka Tom Welling) is SO HAWT, though in real life i'm not for the really-muscley guys so much... him and Lana should get back together :( He should tell her everything!!! I'm so excited for tomorrow nights episode (on WB). I will probably download it, though if Nikki offers to let me come over to watch on her TV I certainly won't turn her down ;_; Haven't seen her in a long time, kinda sad. Haven't visited ESA either. Less and less time for things besides school and work (and Smallville, I guess, WAY against my better judgment).
Got VERY little sleep last night, procrastinated then did work late.. then discovered one of my smallville episodes had downloaded >_> It was 3am by the time I slept, which is bad as far as I'm concerned. 7am wakeup comes WAY too early... Listening to Smallville opening music at the moment :) I don't have much else to say. Still feel crappy about Ryan; he was taking pics of people in the pod for their self-portraits; reminds me of the past, as always. I pretended the whole thing wasn't happening, no way i could 'pose' *DIES* So now I'll need to find a different way to get my self portrait pics. I mean... how does one POSE for that kind of thing? I HATE pictures.. and knowing I'll have to draw myself like that? Ew. We'll see.... I think I just need some sleep, though soon I'll be off to the make-up workshop thingy at rez, which should be pretty fun. Hopefully not too crazy for me. I think I'm in vegging mode. Or sleep-deprivation/depression mode.
Either way, I need more Smallville. O_O