Sleeping Lessons

May 27, 2008 19:38

Yesterday at my dad's was typical: food eating, sitting around, being encouraged to clean my room, not cleaning my room...
I actually did attempt to but got distracted by new art supplies and then realized that I hadn't taken my medication and then decided sleep would be a much better use of my time. So I went to bed at about nine (crazy, I know!) and it was quite wonderful. 
I woke up at five this morning to read Beloved. Didn't get through chapter 24 but it ended up not mattering at all. School today was decent. Not much in english, I SUCKED at calc today but oh well, latin = kerrick for sub (yay!) we just hung around and watched the end of Clash of the Titans. 
Today I got home, narrowly escaping the tremendous storm which anticlimaticized (i love making up words!) into some pouring rain off and on and some thunder. Wooh, scary. Then I sleeepppttt a lot. And then I did nothing for awhile... and now I have to eat. 
The End. 
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