First off. My sister and I were talking about Mom!Petrelli. It seems as though she has been in the inner circle of whateverness. Including Linderman, Noah (HRG)'s old boss, and the guy that Peter was taking care of. So, does Mom!Petrelli have powers? It's not a necessity, but with the whole legacy thing (you have powers, your kids have powers, their kids have powers, etc, etc) she might have a power. We don't know about Mr Petrelli, so possibilities?
What was up with that "dream" of Peter's by the way? Real dream or Time Travel? And if it was time travel, did he get it from present!Hiro or future!Hiro? If he got them from present!Hiro, it is understandable why Peter can't control them yet. Just a thought.
An addendum to that thought was that Peter absorbs people's powers when he's near them right? So what about when he is near Sylar? Did he absorb all those powers as well? Because absorbing all those powers could help explain the emotional and power overload that then caused Peter to go boom.
Then there is officially the cutest little couple of Heroes fandom yet: Molly/Micah. Yeah yeah they're young. But eh. I'm weird. And they're cute. Especially with that ending shot with the whole family together: Molly, Micah, Nikki, and DL.
Nikki by the way is so my favorite. It's kinda sad to see Jessica gone, but it's nice to know that Nikki is now strong enough.
HIRO! Gotta love him. Well not really. I'm glad he's finally got the guts to both save his friend and "kill" Sylar. It's gonna be way cool in "Volume Two: Generations" with Hiro in Japan 1641.
Random Section:
The Eclipse!!! Finally! They're doing something with that eclipse!
EW says that the symbol is a helix. So what is that doing back in 1641?
Dead or Alive:
DL - Alive (Happy family shot)
Nathan - Dead. "Someone flies...someone dies" - Heroes Tagline
Peter - Alive.
Matt - Dead? He got hit with 4 bullets guys!
Sylar - Alive!
Finally: Crack
HRG's name is Noah
He will have an ark and gather all the heroes to him and they will save the world.
In other crazy news: my mother found a car with the following description:
Reverse Not Working