So, I finally read chapter 189. And skipping all the 'WTF?! He's their kid yaddayaddayadda' I bring you my personal crackfistic theory~
So what if Real Sakura (the one Shaoran met) isnt another version of Sakura but the daughter of another version of Sakura with Clow?! Since we don't know who the mother is... XDDD I know, crazy but right now I'm sending all this damn twisted plot to hell and having a good laugh with it. And this way there would not be the whole 'OMG he likes another version of his mother *gasp*!' thing. Which I don't care anymore. At all. From the moment they decided that CCS Sakura and Shaoran would have a kid and he would be the spitting image of his dad and the protagonist of the series...well there goes all hope.
On a side note can I be anymore duh or what? Cuz I finally found the LJ Comm for Tokyo Babylon which I was convinced that didn't exist. I thought it was weird there wasn't any but I swear I spent a whole day looking for it and couldn't find it! Well anyways, good thing there is one. Now I'll just hunt for icons and fanart~ For anyone curious it's
tokyobabylon Mood: nerdy