Why is Duodecim more expensive every time I check Play.com? So not fair >_< Though I only want the Legacy edition because of Squall's
Leon look. It's a totally valid argument kay?
Hmm what else? Been completing all the sidequests in FFXII. Biggest game I ever seen. Going for 130+ hours of gameplay (but, mind you, most of that time was me playing through the main story.) Dissidia is still bigger, with 250+ hours ^^; (because of the Colosseum mini game) And still not finished with that one either. Damn all the good weapons are hard to make. And lol my random gamer logic now includes: 'she's not gonna be able to dodge with that dress...' - while battling Ultimecia. Oh and please tell me I'm not the one being spammed face first with KUJA'S THONG ZOMFG while battling in the Emperor's stage? I so didn't need to see that so many times *sob*
Hm I guess sometime I'll make a sticky post about these random things so my journal won't resemble a gaming nerd every time I post.
But it's not like I have much else to occupy myself with. The search for a job goes bad as per usual. Guess I'll just go deliver my CV to the nearest supermarket and focus on making some money because it's seemingly obvious I won't find any job related to my degree any time soon. I just need to feel useful somehow.