
Sep 26, 2009 16:30

Because I'm utterly bored (am I the only person with no life that spends the day in da intrawebz? Apparently...) I'm gonna chuck a meme at'choo!

Pff I'm always changing icons. Anyways...

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Just because it matches the current layout. I have no idea who she is. Only that her name is Tokage.

s-sob after last chapter I had to have an icon of him... saddest happiest angriest

cutest sexiest funniest

Oh yeah ♥
fave ship fave fandom fave animated

best quote best textless best stolen idea

use the most favorite

I think lol. I use so many all the time.

Utterly precious ♥

HOW MANY ICONS DO YOU HAVE: You mean in this account or in the computer? Uh that'd be 37 in this account and way too many in my computer XD;

OUT OF HOW MANY AVAILABLE ICONS SPACES: 37. As if I'd buy a paid account and then waste icon space. I wish I had even more >3 Stupid LJ could upgrade the icon number for Plus accounts.

IF YOU COULD BUY SPACE FOR MORE, WOULD YOU: Well duh of course. After ranting so much about it XD; Especially for my RP accounts. I feel that it's really necessary. And I have so many pretty Ukitake icons I don't use. That's like a crime against humanity! DDDD<

DO YOUR ICONS MAKE A STATEMENT: Uh maybe? Some of them? I like to think so. Like my Lady icon. Clearly says 'look at me and you're ded bitch' or...something XD

WHAT FANDOM DO YOU HAVE THE MOST ICONS OF: Uh at the moment that would be Bleach. Wonder why. Was the only manga that didn't fuck things up...much >_>;

AND THE SECOND MOST: It's complicated. If I count CLAMP in general than yeah it's definitely CLAMP. If not, then it's Supernatural.

WHAT SHIP DO YOU HAVE THE MOST ICONS OF: Hm I don't really use shipping icons for my main account. So, yeah only one of chibi Ukitake and Shunsui ♥

ARE YOUR ICONS MADE MOSTLY BY OTHER PEOPLE: Oddly it's equally divided - 8 are mine and the rest are from someone else.

DO YOU MAKE ICONS: Yep. hanamicons *shameless pimping*

ARE THEY ANY GOOD: Pff what kind of question is this? >_>; Uh I like to think so? Some better, others worse. Yeah.

ANIMATED ICONS ARE: cute if it's not over the top. Like my icon with the kitties for example.

Coding can be found here

I think I'll be ready to do this again tomorrow cuz I tend to change some icons quite often XD;;

meme, icons

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